Prof. Shaojie SHEN

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HKUST
Director, HKUST-DJI Joint Innovation Laboratory
Professor Shaojie Shen received his B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2009. He received his M.S. in Robotics and Ph.D. in Electrical and Systems Engineering in 2011 and 2014, respectively, all from the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in September 2014 as an Assistant Professor. His research interests are in the areas of robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles, with focus on state estimation, sensor fusion, computer vision, localization and mapping, and autonomous navigation in complex environments. He and his research team won the best paper finalist in ICRA2011, best paper award in SSRR2015 and SSRR2016, and first price in IARC2015. He was the program co-chairs of SSRR2015 and SAC2017-IRMAS.
Prof. Chihyung WEN

Associate Head and Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, HKPolyU
Associate Fellow of AIAA; Fellow of HKIE
Professor Wen received his Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Taiwan University in 1986 and Master of Science and PhD from the Department of Aeronautics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), U.S.A. in 1989 and 1994 respectively. He had been the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering from August 1997 to July 2000, and the Provost from August 2004 to July 2006 in the Da-Yeh University, Taiwan. In August 2006, Professor Wen joined the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, before joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2012 as professor. His current research interests are in the areas of (1) Aerodynamic applications of plasma actuators in delta-winged UAVs and MAVs; (2) Hypersonic aerodynamics and scramjet engine design; (3) Fuel cell applications in the electric power system of a micro spacecraft; and (4) Flow instabilities of magnetic fluids and their applications in micro-mixers.
Prof. Fu ZHANG

Research Assistant Professor, Dep. of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HKUST
Professor Fu Zhang received the B.E. (with honor) from the Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China,in 2011. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, the University of California, in 2015, with research focusing on the dynamics modeling and control of ultra-high precision machining and high performance micro-scale rate integrating gyros. Fu Zhang is a research assistant professor with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since August 2016. His current research interests include the dynamics, control, planning and navigation of aerial robots, deep reinforcement learning and optimization.